The Our Kids review of Artech Camps Canada

by Glen Herbert, Our Kids Magazine and 2021 

The Our Kids review of Artech Camps Canada

Reviewed by Glen Herbert, 2021

We share three things that come to mind when we look at Artech Camps Canada.

You can also view this video online at the Our Kids website.

User reviews

Cancel School and Send Kids to Artech Camps!

Susan MacPhee (Parent)

Andrew told me that when he grows up, he wants to be the Prime Minister of Canada. In that way he can cancel school and send all of the kids to Artech Camps all year round! I hope you can handle that!

We’ve already Signed-up for Another Week!

Robyn (Parent)

It was fantastic! My daughter loves the project ideas, had fun, and learned lots. We’ve already signed up for another week. She’s been having Zoom calls with friends and teaching them to use Scratch too! Thanks for these great camps to keep kids learning and engaged!


Playcanvas Workshop – really cool!

Isaac (Camper)

I wanted to let you know I really thought the Playcanvas was a cool workshop. It was really cool to do some 3D game design with java and I really enjoyed it! . . . I really enjoyed your class! I would give it 4.5/5 stars and I thought it was awesome! Thanks for letting me attend.